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Replacement policy


What if I get a damaged/defective product?

We accept replacements in case you receive a damaged/defective product (Minor defects that are not visible after installation will not be entertained)

Replacement of the damaged piece will only be accepted in its original packing.

In the case of a damaged/broken piece, kindly reach out to our WhatsApp support immediately.


Please scan the QR to immediately redirect to our support.

Please provide us with your order id and supporting pictures 48 hours of you receiving the product, if you are unable to do so within 48 hours, Mufasa Lighting shall not be held liable for the failure to replace the order.

Alternatively, you can e-mail us with your order id and supporting pictures to within 48 hours of you receiving the product.

If the damage is minimal and can be changed- we will send you the damaged part/s.

In case the entire product needs a change- we will send you a new piece*.

*If the whole product needs to be replaced with a new one, please refer to below details

Courier freight charges will be reimbursed in such form as is determined by the logistics team upon consultation with Mufasa Team

The returned Products are subject to verification and checks by Mufasa Lighting in order to determine the legitimacy of the complaint. If the claim is not legitimate, you will be required to bear the shipping costs for the product.

Any products returned without proper protective packaging or without its original packaging will not be refunded.

It takes 1-2 working days for us to ship the replacement once the product reaches us in the good condition.

It is advised that the return packets should be strongly and adequately packaged so that there is no further damage of products during transit.

Exchange Policy 

Can I exchange my product with a different size, color, model etc?

We have a strict no exchange policy, please do not create a request of exchanging the product with a different model, color or size.

Such requests will not be entertained.

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